
New York Business Lawyer Blog


Insurance Fraud and Metadata: If NSA Can Have Too Much Information To Do Its Job, What About SIU?

Information and investigations go hand in hand. Whatever you investigate, whether it’s insurance fraud; where that priceless, uninsured, artwork went after two rogues in police clothing strolled in late one night and took it from Boston’s Gardner Museum; or who the one-armed man really was; you need information, lots of…


Investigating Insurance Fraud: Be Honest, Are You Lying?

Our last post was about how sometimes it’s easier to tell a lie than others; scientific research suggests it depends upon what you’re lying about. Well, there’s another new study that says sometimes, just sometimes, people are honest about their lying. In other words, they’ll admit it; not always, not…


Insurance Law, Trials, and Fraud. Lying Under Oath: Easier Said Than Done

Lying and Insurance Fraud go together. Cheat, steal, get caught, admit it; which one doesn’t belong? Better yet, be honest when you cheat. No, that doesn’t work either. Most every time someone tries to get away with something he shouldn’t, chances are he’s going to lie about it somewhere along…


Creative Claims and Insurance Fraud: Is Diligence Worth The Effort?

If you ever wondered what money can make people do, all you have to do is look in the news and you’ll see it, even in the most unlikely places. The last time, we spoke about Auto Thefts and Insurance Fraud and how money motivates both. Everyone wants a dollar…


Auto Theft, Insurance Fraud, and Dollar Signs: The Motivation Behind the Mayhem

There are a few things, when you look around today, that most people probably can agree on: Auto theft is a large problem; Insurance Fraud is a large problem; and both involve a lot of money. Neither is going to go away anytime soon; not in New York; not in…


Do You Need A Reasonable Excuse In Order To Vacate A Default Judgement In New York? Not Always

Vacating a default judgement in New York, as we have previously discussed, is not always easy. Often it is up to the discretion of the trial court. There are certain times, however, when the defaulting party may not need a reasonable excuse for failing to appear, as long as it…


Trials, Motions, Appeals & Persuasion: How Can You Win Your Case?

We’ve spent a decent amount of time discussing how lawyers try to persuade people. That, after all, really is their job: to convince a decision maker, be it a judge, jury, or appellate court, that their client is right and should have won, should live to fight another day, or…


How Can You Win A Motion For Summary Judgement In New York? Keep It Simple

Summary judgement motions in New York are strange things. When used in the right way they can bring long, arduous litigation to an end merely by submitting papers to the court, without the need to call messy witnesses, susceptible to skillful cross-examination, to trial to be judged by a jury.…


Trials & Persuasion: The Common Sense Behind The Art of Trial Advocacy

Trying cases in New York is fun; not the everyday let’s have a good laugh fun, but an exhilarating, team play, goal accomplished, touchdown, kind of fun. Dealing with jurors is a big part of the job: selecting them; persuading them; deferring to their decisions. Trial work and jurors: you…

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