
Articles Posted in Technology


A New Development in Arson Investigations: An Easier Way For An Insurer To Prove Its Arson Defense

As we just talked about in our last article, in order for an insurance company to deny a first-party property claim in New York because of arson, and make that denial stand up in court, it has to prove that the insured intentionally caused the fire, and it has to…


Are Businesses Liable For Fraud Resulting From The Heartbleed Bug?

Most people by now have heard of the Heartbleed bug. It’s the programming flaw in one of the most common encryption methods on the internet: OpenSSL. It makes what should be secure websites, and the personal information they contain, vulnerable to hackers. It is more important, though, than just another…


Reasonable Precautions in Cybersecurity: How Vulnerable Businesses Really Are

Just in case anyone thinks that cybersecurity is nothing more than an esoteric exercise for computer geeks and technicians, of no importance to the average person or business, the Heartbleed bug has come along to show us all how wrong that is. It was only just discovered two weeks ago…


Recent Developments In Cybersecurity: What The Federal Trade Commission, Encryption Schemes, and Creative Thinking Have to Do With Your Business

There are a few recent developments in the field of cybersecurity that businesses, individuals, and fraud investigators alike should take note of. One is a recent case which, if followed, could expand a business’ liability for security breaches and the others are new tools businesses possibly could use to protect…


How Do You Know What To Look For In A Fraud Investigation? Utilize The Right Tools And The Right People

Insurance fraud, how it’s committed and how it’s solved, always is an interesting topic. It’s like a crime drama. Whether it’s Castle, The Mentalist, or NCIS, you get to see the end result and then figure out how it happened; and you inevitably learn about a couple of mistakes that…


Developments in Big Data: Upside, Downside, and Fully Homomorphic Encryption

There have been a few interesting recent news stories concerning the benefits and dangers of Big Data, for businesses and individuals alike. One even points out a possible middle ground, which can allow the continued use of the vast amounts of data at the disposal of government and businesses, while…


Marketing, Mobile Payment Apps & Credit Card Fraud: What Your Business Should Know

Advances in business technology are becoming routine, even in the most unexpected places. Each new advance comes with both risks and rewards. One of the more recent, the mobile payment app, accessed through a customer’s mobile phone, points out how the good and the bad often go hand in hand:…


A Survey of the Danger, and Cost, of Businesses Using Digital Information

Almost every New York Business uses digital information daily and therefore runs the risk of having it stolen. The potential costs involved are significant and the risks are real. How to protect against the dangers, consequences, and liability arising from data breaches, while still taking advantage of the benefits of…


Technology, Tracking, and You: How Businesses Use Location In Marketing

Digital information can be both a blessing and a curse for modern day businesses. It’s seemingly everywhere because, it seems, people leave it everywhere, even unsuspectingly. Even a little can tell you a lot, if you know where to look. Apparently innocuous information, like where you are at any given…


Data Breaches, Cyber Security, and Insurance Fraud: How Information Can Help and Hurt

There’s an awful lot of data out there in the great big digital universe, and, as everyone should know by now, it can create a record of people’s activities that they may not always fully appreciate. We’ve previously written about how metadata, when used the right way, can help investigate…

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