
Articles Posted in Insurance


Recent Developments In Cybersecurity: What The Federal Trade Commission, Encryption Schemes, and Creative Thinking Have to Do With Your Business

There are a few recent developments in the field of cybersecurity that businesses, individuals, and fraud investigators alike should take note of. One is a recent case which, if followed, could expand a business’ liability for security breaches and the others are new tools businesses possibly could use to protect…


How Do You Know What To Look For In A Fraud Investigation? Utilize The Right Tools And The Right People

Insurance fraud, how it’s committed and how it’s solved, always is an interesting topic. It’s like a crime drama. Whether it’s Castle, The Mentalist, or NCIS, you get to see the end result and then figure out how it happened; and you inevitably learn about a couple of mistakes that…


How To Negotiate a Business Deal: Think Win-Win and BATNA

A recent news story caught my eye because it shows the importance of a win-win negotiation strategy and the need to accurately assess your BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement. Though it deals with personal injury claims in Kansas, it can teach a lot to businesses in New…


Data Breaches, Cyber Security, and Insurance Fraud: How Information Can Help and Hurt

There’s an awful lot of data out there in the great big digital universe, and, as everyone should know by now, it can create a record of people’s activities that they may not always fully appreciate. We’ve previously written about how metadata, when used the right way, can help investigate…


Insurance Fraud and Metadata: If NSA Can Have Too Much Information To Do Its Job, What About SIU?

Information and investigations go hand in hand. Whatever you investigate, whether it’s insurance fraud; where that priceless, uninsured, artwork went after two rogues in police clothing strolled in late one night and took it from Boston’s Gardner Museum; or who the one-armed man really was; you need information, lots of…


Investigating Insurance Fraud: Be Honest, Are You Lying?

Our last post was about how sometimes it’s easier to tell a lie than others; scientific research suggests it depends upon what you’re lying about. Well, there’s another new study that says sometimes, just sometimes, people are honest about their lying. In other words, they’ll admit it; not always, not…


Insurance Law, Trials, and Fraud. Lying Under Oath: Easier Said Than Done

Lying and Insurance Fraud go together. Cheat, steal, get caught, admit it; which one doesn’t belong? Better yet, be honest when you cheat. No, that doesn’t work either. Most every time someone tries to get away with something he shouldn’t, chances are he’s going to lie about it somewhere along…


Creative Claims and Insurance Fraud: Is Diligence Worth The Effort?

If you ever wondered what money can make people do, all you have to do is look in the news and you’ll see it, even in the most unlikely places. The last time, we spoke about Auto Thefts and Insurance Fraud and how money motivates both. Everyone wants a dollar…


Auto Theft, Insurance Fraud, and Dollar Signs: The Motivation Behind the Mayhem

There are a few things, when you look around today, that most people probably can agree on: Auto theft is a large problem; Insurance Fraud is a large problem; and both involve a lot of money. Neither is going to go away anytime soon; not in New York; not in…

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